One Week Left to Win a $3000 Week in Anguilla!...

The "Picture Anguilla!" photo contest is in high gear! In just 2 short weeks, 115 special submissions have been entered. See them by clicking here.
With 115 submission already, and a $3000 prize, this is by far's biggest contest yet! Our sponsors have been extra generous this year...
1) Carimar Beach Club:
6 night/7 day stay (including taxes, service fees, surcharges!). Situated right on the beach at "Magnificent Meads!"
2) Anguilla Air Services: Connecting airfare for 2, to or from St. Maarten.
3) Enjoy a 5-star dinner every day!
... a full luxury week in Anguilla! Visit this page for prize details.
Only one week remains until the submission period closes, and the "official" voting period begins (July 8th at 6PM Eastern). Mark that date on your calendar if you have already entered. Stay tuned for full details on "official" voting, which will be conducted through the Facebook application.
But, you don't have to wait until July 8th to start getting votes. There are 2 ways to gain early support for your entry...
1) Pinterest
I set up a "Picture Anguilla!" board on Pinterest, here...

I uploaded one photo from each contest entry, including a portion of the photo description. If a visitor clicks the photo, s/he is re-directed to YOUR contest submission on the Facebook app.
"Like", "Comment" or "Re-pin" within Pinterest to gain early support for your photos!
Pinterest is now the 3rd most popular social site, behind only Facebook and Twitter. It is really a lot of fun, and so easy to do. If you have not yet seen on Pinterest, follow us at...
2) The Facebook contest app
Find your submission, and click the "Share" button in the top right corner. Share your entry on your wall, encouraging friends to Comment on your entry. The Comment box is located at the bottom of your entry.
Look through the entries, and you will see that some already have shining comments!
NOTE: The winning submission will be based on "official" votes, comments, Pinterest activity and quality of photo/caption combination as determined by judges.
Time to enter the contest is winding down. The entry deadline is just one week away: July 8th at 6PM (Eastern)!
If you have not entered already...
1) Find your favorite original photo of Anguilla. (If you have never been to Anguilla, see further below - you can still play!)
2) Go to Anguilla-Beaches's Facebook page
3) If you have not yet "Liked" our page, please do.
4) Click on the Contests tab
5) You will be asked to let the contest app access your
profile. Click "Go to App" (Wildfire is a large reputable
and trusted contest company).
6) Follow the instructions from there! Click here for full instructions.
What if you've never been to Anguilla?
Find your favorite Anguilla photo(s) on either of the two websites which have the most Anguilla photos, and Click here for details.
What Now?
Either enter "Picture Anguilla! by clicking here, or find your entry by clicking here and start collecting early votes by way of comments and Pinterest support!
Good luck, :-)
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