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An Anguilla Love Story

by Sherece
(St. John, Virgin Islands, USA)

Summer of 1999 was my first visit to the beautiful island, and the most vivid to date. It would not typically be my ideal vacation location, but prior to my visit I had met someone from Anguilla (Clive Wallace). He was vacationing in the Virgin Islands (St. John).

He shared very interesting stories about the island and made it nearly impossibly to imagine a truly untouched paradise. After all, Anguilla was not on the top 10 list of Caribbean vacation destinations at that time.

Needless to say, curiousity took over, an invitation was extended and I was in flight and on my way to Anguilla. Immediatley upon landing I fell in "love" with the unspoiled beauty of the island and its people; very warm and very inviting. Everyone that I met made me feel like I was an old friend returning for a visit.

Anyway, to make a short story shorter, Clive and I are now proud parents of one very energetic 3-year old son (Damien), and Shawn Webster (Seagrape Boat Tours) is one proud godparent.

Anguilla is now my beloved second home and my #1 vacation destination.


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Sep 06, 2017
catch up
by: peter starowpjtow

Hi just wondering if Clive is conrads son and did he live in England if so this is josies son who worked with his dad really sorry for your loss all my love x

Aug 26, 2017
RE: Anguilla Love Story II
by: Nori

I can't begin to imagine the pain, Sherece... it's something a parent should never have to experience. I wish I could hug you and Clive now. Sending you both all of my love, from my whole heart. I will add you on Facebook today to see the photos of your beautiful son and the blessed 15 years you had together 💗💗💗

Aug 23, 2017
Anguilla Love Story II
by: Sherece and Clive

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers Nori...our hearts are still breaking with grief. Damien was our world. Anguilla will never be the same for us. It was a beautiful 15 years that we were so blessed to have had him...for photo memories of his 15 year journey....Facebook
My page Sherece Severino

Aug 08, 2017

by: Nori

Sherece & Clive, I am deeply sorry and terribly shocked to read your note. My heart breaks for you both in this incredibly difficult and tragic time. My family and I will be keeping Damien, you and Clive in our thoughts. Sending you all of our love from Anguilla.

Aug 06, 2017
Clive and Sherece
by: Sherece and Clive

It is with great sadness that we would like to announce the loss of our son Damien. He died on Monday, July 10,2017 in Anguilla. He was 15 years old. Our hearts break with disbelief and sadness.

Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Damien was laid to rest on Saturday, July 29, 2017...on the beautiful island of St. John, VI.

Thank you all for being a part of our life journey and our life

Oct 19, 2010
Clive Wallace of Anguilla
by: Anonymous

I am able to put you in touch with us (Clive). You can email me at royalgoldsherece@hotmail.com of smithss@viwapa.com

Oct 20, 2009
by: SJA


My wife and I visited Anguilla in 2004. During our visit, we met Clive (and Ritz) and Clive and I had a fun evening talking about boating and jumping from one beach bar to the next. Clive treated me like a King.

We're returning in 2010 and it would be great to re-connect with Clive Wallace. Any idea onhow I can reach him?

Nov 16, 2007
A Beautiful Story
by: Bernice


What a romantic story, like a movie, meeting a man on a Caribbean island, flying over to Anguilla and then fallling in love with the man and the island.

Almost 20 years of marriage.!

Congratulations. Bernice (rhymes with Shereece!)

Aug 18, 2007
What A Beautiful Story
by: Nori

Sherece, what a lovely story. I wonder where you honeymooned? ;-) And Shawn is the godfather? He's a good friend of our family! Thanks so much for this love story! Nori.

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