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Living In Anguilla


By Dad

More than a year after moving into our brand new home and living in Anguilla, I was reflecting on the experience of building our own Anguilla home. The thoughts were extended by several inquiries that Nori had received about moving to Anguilla.

I thought about those questions and our own journey, one that had now become our first anniversary of living in Anguilla. The first steps of any sizable journey are the hardest ones, of course. It's amazing how soon you find yourself finished and "living your dream."

It was then that I realized that Anguilla has a terrific opportunity knocking on its door, should it choose to answer and open that door (before other countries do). The opportunity?...

The number of digital entrepreneurs, self-employed service providers (ex., writers, programmers, etc.) and corporate employees/consultants who work-from-home is growing rapidly. Their only commute is to the workspace at home. "Meetings" occur via phone and over the Web. In short...

They share one tool, the laptop, as their common bond. That, plus their specialized knowledge, enables them to live anywhere.

And these "mobile knowledge workers" (AKA "laptop workers") are beginning to understand and capitalize upon their geographic freedom.

A Fantasy No Longer

We have all fantasized about the warm and relaxed lifestyle of a tropical island such as Anguilla. Some forward-thinking "laptop workers" are already starting to relocate, choosing to live in the Caribbean, Central and South America, coastal India and Asia, instead of the cold, overtaxed climates of their home countries.

The need to physically be "at work" has disappeared for many, and will disappear for millions more. Locations such as Anguilla are no longer "just for vacations."

This change is happening fast. As we fell in love with Anguilla, we realized that we did not need to live in a country that we called "home." In reality, it was just an option that was too cold and too taxed. Why not live in Anguilla instead of just vacation in it?

I believe that we will see both young boomers and sharp 20-40+ year olds retrace these same steps once they realize that they can work from anywhere and that nothing ties them down. Many will search the Web and find at least one place that they consider to be superior to their "accidental country of birth."

The Benefits Go Both Ways

Many countries have increasingly looked upon "their" citizens as assets to be taxed. Bank bailouts come at the expense of all except the centi-millionaires. There is an increasing discontent among the productive.

Meanwhile, small, tropical, less regulated and more freedom-loving countries see their chance. They can rejuvenate their economies by attracting this group and by making it easier for "laptop workers" with reasonably high levels of income to "work at home" in nice, friendly always-warm climes.

A few countries are already beginning to market themselves to this educated, productive group. Those nations that shift into "high-marketing-gear" first will benefit greatly. These marketing costs are minimal because...

  • exotic locales have compellingly attractive stories to tell, the types of stories that spread virally with little marketing effort/expense
  • laptop workers virtually live online, so are easy and cheap to reach through the Web.

"Live Anguilla"

Since writing this Web page, I wrote and circulated (2011) a white paper entitled "Live Anguilla." It received wide support from both private- and public-sector luminaries in Anguilla. It is unanimously considered an "excellent idea."

However, there has been no action. Since that time, countries such as Chile, Cayman Islands, Colombia and others have developed and launched programs to attract digital entrepreneurs.

With so much going for Anguilla, it is not too late for us to embark upon this future-changing direction. As we enter 2014, I have decided to make the document public because it is no longer "ahead of its time."

Nor are we behind the curve (yet!). If you find merit in this white paper and if you would be interested in entering the "Live Anguilla" program (assuming favorable details and a well-run execution), please leave a comment or three at the bottom of this page. Then contact Aidan Harrigan, Permanent Secretary Finance (a man whom I greatly respect) with your thoughts.

Left-click to read on your browser or right-click (control-click if using Mac) to download this PDF document.

Please recognize that it is written as a high-level concept. Until buy-in can be obtained for the concept, there is little point in trying to flesh out the regulations or exactly how it would work. It is at that level that I request your feedback.


Low-risk and high-reward for both the country and the "laptop worker" spells WIN-WIN. Of course, some due diligence by each is to be expected, even desired...

  • Countries will want bank references, proof of income, police reports, etc., to identify and cater to those who would "add" most to the country's economy and future.
  • Individuals who choose a country after doing their research will want a simple process and should be made to "feel wanted" (a sentiment not to be underestimated).

The individual's "WIN" is outlined in the next section. The country's WIN?...

Governments of these countries and their populations would increase income and well-being significantly through the cost of work permits, the renting of apartments and villas from the local population, the purchase of a wide variety of goods and services, and so forth.

They don't take jobs of local workers since they come with their own, specialized "work-at-home jobs." Their presences will "rub off" on the local population both socially and professionally (and vice-versa).

If encouraged, they will join with with local partner to start online businesses that have a global reach. Through the simple act of socializing, they will raise the bar by sheer osmosis.

Our "Living In A New Country" Checklist... What's Yours?

If you've been to this Web site a few times, you know that we can't recommend Anguilla as a vacation destination highly enough. That goes, too, for living in Anguilla. It has all the positive factors on our checklist...

  1. warm weather (but not too hot, especially if you know where to locate on the island), the temperature rarely drops into the high 60s and the 50s are unknown;
  2. one of the sunniest countries in the world, it's a desert island that gets much less rain than the misty mountainous islands
  3. no income tax and near-zero property tax, what a difference to your "take home" pay (most nationalities pay income tax on the basis of where you live, not on the basis of citizenship)
  4. truly friendly people, low crime, stable politically as a British territory
  5. long-term Anguilla apartment rentals are amazingly low-priced
  6. the price of food drops dramatically when you are not on vacation and buy groceries instead of eating out all the time, and of course you can still enjoy eating out at...
  7. excellent, cheap local restaurants such as E's Oven
  8. whatever products you can't buy locally are easy to obtain through the Web, expedited via Miami through a special service of the Anguilla Post Office
  9. on your time off, you're already on vacation... windsurfing, boating & sailing, snorkeling & diving ("resident discounts" for activities like golf (50%!) and spas)
  10. 30 minutes to the "French Riviera" in the Caribbean (St. Martin) and less than an hour flight to many other Caribbean islands such as Saba and St. Barths
  11. find yourself missing a large city? -- non-stop jets to New York, Miami, San Juan in 4 hours or less, non-stop to Paris in 5-6 hours.

You do need to have a high work-at-home income and you'll have to cut through some red tape (I'm not sure how difficult it is nowadays). But it just may be that this is the life you were meant to live.

If this lifestyle interests you, contact our attorney, Eustella Fontaine, for more information on this possibility (her rates are not cheap, but her advice will prove invaluable).

Wondering How You'll Adjust?

People have asked us many times, "So, how have you adjusted to living in Anguilla?"

I don't understand that question. Adjust to what? I just repeat the list of reasons above that we chose to move to Anguilla.

We are living in Anguilla. We are home.

Thinking of Living In Anguilla?

Have any questions? I'll be glad to answer them if I can. :-)

What Other Visitors Have Asked About Living in Anguilla

Click below to see questions from other visitors about living in Anguilla, along with my answers...

6 Months BucketList Vacation 
Hi, Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer our question. My husband and I are seriously hoping to move to Anguilla for 6 months. …

International Mortgage for Buying a Home in Anguilla 
My wife and I came across a villa you have listed on your site for sale - beautiful home ! We are Canadian and are considering selling our current …

How to Ship Online Purchases and
How to Drive In Anguilla
I am seriously considering relocating to Anguilla. I did read the Q&A, but still have a few questions. Here they are... 1) I have an internet business, …

Attending Medical School in Anguilla 
I am most likely going to start at Saint James Medical School in September. I'm trying to find all the information I could possibly need to make this possible. …

Anguilla Medical Care And Health Insurance 
We frequently get questions about the quality of health care in Anguilla, medical insurance and other Anguilla travel health issues. The quality of non-emergency …

Anguilla Duties When Moving To Anguilla 
My Wife and I are moving to Anguilla and bring our limited amout of furniture, clothes and personal affects, also a motorcycle, all of which will be coming …

Work From Your Computer? Live In Anguilla 
Hello and thank you for posting such valuable information about life on Anguilla. I'm a self-employed composer living in NYC. I'm fortunate enough to …

Jobs in Anguilla 
This "Living in Anguilla" section is interesting. I have never visited Anguilla but found your site by searching for "best Caribbean island." I have …

Long Term Apartment Rentals 
My wife and I are nearing retirement from our civil service jobs. We have a part-time travel agency that is growing. We love the Caribbean and see ourselves …

General Questions and Answers About Moving to, Retiring in, and Living in Angilla 
My wife and I have a crazy idea to buy a condo or home in eight years in Anguilla and raise a child there. Is this possible? Are non-belongers prohibited …

Cost of Living and Budget For Living In Anguilla 
Can a family of 5 live in anguilla on a pension, say $CDN 2500 per month with other income pending? What is the lowest rental per month plus living …

Anguilla Citizenship (Belonger) Status 
Just a quick query, one of my parents was born in Anguilla but has lived in the UK for over 40 years. I was born and raised in the UK as a child of an …

Anguilla Work Permits... What You Need To Know 
How can i get working permit in Anguilla? My wife works in The Valley as a nanny. I'm a Filipino, still living here in the Philippines. My job …

How Long Can One VISIT Anguilla? 
What are requirements to immigrate to Anguilla?. My wife and I am retired (US citizens) both of us in good health and have enough income to support ourselves. …

Questions about Dogs and Safety When Living in Anguilla Not rated yet
We are looking at the possibility of relocating to Anguilla, and have a few questions I did not see the answer to: 1) Is it safe? Obviously after reading …

Interim Stabilization Levy and Medical Report Not rated yet
I've been avidly reading this magnificent site. Thank you for your hard work in producing it - an absolutely invaluable resource. I wonder if you …

Start A Business In Anguilla Not rated yet
Hi there, My husband and I are thinking of moving to Anguilla. We need to know if our skill sets would be able to provide us with work permits. My …

Children in Anguilla (Schools, Aftercare, etc.) Not rated yet
I wondered if you could answer a couple of questions for me: 1. Are there many positions for boat captains/skippers (qualified) on the island? We …

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