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6 Months BucketList Vacation

by Rita Moore
(San Diego, CA USA)


Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer our question. My husband and I are seriously hoping to move to Anguilla for 6 months.

This last year, my husband has been battling Cancer and it has taken its toll - he has been sick with side effects each day. Before the cancer advances, and before he has to start his next series of treatments, we want 6 months of happiness.

We used to come to Anguilla a lot in the 80s and the 90s, and are coming to do a "research visit" June 25- July 4 to look for a home, etc. My husband in talking to the airline, was informed that typically visitors can only stay 1-3 months.

Can you share with us any information on who to contact of if we need to....to stay 6 months???

Thank you!

Rita Moore

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May 18, 2016
How to Extend Your Stay In Anguilla
by: Nori

I'm so sad to hear of your story, but gladdened by the way you are handling it. So many people don't do ONE BIG BUCKETLIST wish. You do!

The airlines gave you good information. During your research trip, go to Immigration. It is in The Valley, across the main road from the Post Office.

You can apply for an extension there. Results are totally at the discretion of Immigration.

I would be surprised if they turned you down (as long as you show means, etc).. Anguillians are extremely compassionate.

NOTE: There is a widely circulated story that you can stay for a night in St. Martin (enjoyable), then return for another "tourist month." I have not actually spoken to anyone for whom this worked, nor is it written anywhere official.

My suggestion: Contact our attorney, Eustella (search on that name in my site). For an hour of her time, you'll get terrific advice and help. She's a wonderful lawyer (I never use those 2 words together!). Do it now and get a head-start on your research trip. You may need to bring documents with you that you don't know about.

Best of luck. I do hope you get to live your Bucketlist Wish!

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