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A Special, Secluded Anguilla Honeymoon

by William Dock
(Seattle, WA, USA)

We honeymooned in Anguilla last September, which was a little risky seeing as the fall is "hurricane season" in the Caribbean. But we trusted that our time would not be disturbed, and it was not. The weather was perfect! We rented Chinaberry, a beautiful villa that allowed us easy access to Rendezvous Bay, and we would walk the beach every day.

We never encountered more than 10 people on the entire length of the 3-mile beach, and typically found our footprints to be the only tracks to be found (which was very special, as we had received flip-flops that left imprints reading "Just Married" as wedding presents).

Most restaurants were closed, but those that were open were filled with friendly locals instead of tourists. For those who desire even more seclusion than usually found on Anguilla, September can be great. For a honeymoon, the whole island is perfect!

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Feb 13, 2015
About honeymoons and hurricanes in Anguilla
by: Nori Evoy

I envy you, Sue - what a wonderful place to honeymoon. One point that I should call out here...

Many people who don't know the Caribbean that well think, "oh no, it's hurricane season," as if they're sure to get hit by one.

But all the term means is that IF we are going to get hit by a hurricane, it most likely will be during the months of June to November.

In fact, though...

1) the odds of a hurricane during any 2-week vacation are very low. While there may be 10-15 hurricanes during the season, most don't come anywhere close to our speck of an island.

2) You can further reduce the odds by avoiding the end of August and all of Septermber, the peak period (most hotels and restaurants are closed for vacation, anyway, so you'd not choose this period in any event). Even then, there are more years that we won't get a direct hit from a hurricane during that period.

For example, Gonzalo (an H1) in 2015 was the only direct hit we've had in 3 years, if memroy serves.

3) Even if one does come close, direct hits by Hurrican 1's are not that big a deal if you are staying in a resort or villa with a generator, and ditto for "glancing blows" of strong systems (i.e., when we're on the "edge of the cone").

So basically, "hurricane season" boils down to very low odds of a direct hit by Hurricane 2 or stronger. Stronger systems are more rare than lighter ones, too. Direct hits by 3+ can knock us out for a week or more and many tourist cancel plans if they see that heading toward us (use stormpulse.com).

If you were already here, you'd probably want to leave the island for a predicted 4 or 5, especially if staying in smaller hotels without generators. The island is abuzz with crews fixing lines, etc., after the storm passes.

Overall, though, my bottom line is that I wouldn't cancel my honeymoon if the only time possible was during "the season" (with peak period being the exception).

Hope that helps anyone with this consideration!

Warm regards and happy honeymoon,

Jul 15, 2010
Thanks for the honeymoon info!
by: Sue

I found this wonderful blog (thanks, Nori!) because I am researching Anguilla for MY upcoming September honeymoon! I'm so glad to hear that yours was beautiful despite it being hurricane season.

Our hearts are getting more and more set on travelling to this island that seems so charming, beautiful, and the perfect change of pace from our daily Brooklyn life.

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