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Clifton Beach, Cape Town, South Africa

by Christiaan Gerber
(Alberta, Canada)

Photo Credit: Southafrica.to

Photo Credit: Southafrica.to

This is probably one of the world's best, if not the best beach. It is picture perfect, secluded from any wind, no hurricanes, idyllic weather and is the spot we used to go to quite often while taking a break from the books. I was studying at a nearby University.

I now live in Canada too and I'm on my way to Anguilla and look forward to seeing the beautiful beaches of Anguilla!

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Sep 14, 2012
Re: Feet in the water
by: Christiaan Gerber

Yes I did put my feet and body in for a brief moment! Yes the water is cold, but its great to reduce the effects of sunburn you sometimes get - sometimes by falling asleep for a while .. You go in until your legs go numb! Splash your face with the ice cold water- then you're good for another hour or so in the sun!

If you want to swim, you go to Melkbaai by the Strand, which is just 50 or so kilometers from there on the Indian ocean side of Cape Point- there the water temp is about 6-8 degrees celcius warmer. Hard to believe. Clifton though has almost no wind and is great for sun tanning, beach tennis, frisbee and visiting with friends with a cold one!

Sep 13, 2012
Water is cold
by: Doug

Did you put a foot in that water? You must be from Alaska.

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