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Drip Beach, Tasmania

by Kim

Drip Beach, Tasmania (from eftel.com.au)

Drip Beach, Tasmania (from eftel.com.au)

Our favourite beach (or should I say our dog's favourite beach) is Drip Beach, southern Tasmania, Australia.

Tasmania is mostly known for it's cold, unpredictable weather (for those not in the know, it's the island at the very southern tip of Australia) but when it turns into spring we are off to Drip Beach so our two dogs, Josh (border collie) and Lottie (baby Havanese) can swim to their doggy hearts are content.

Drip Beach is a very small, very secluded little beach in a protected bay. It has pure white sand, forest right up to the beach and very rarely is there more than us on that beach. It's not long or very well known but that is why we love it.

I remember one particularly gorgeous day I took our border collie to D.B. (pre-Lottie days), bikinis, suncream and a beach towel in my beach bag.

The water was SO still and calm and CLEAR! It was warm, sunny with a tiny breeze to keep me cool. I floated, swam lazily back and forth and had the most fantastic day.

Pretty good for a tiny local beach. I have no pics!

Reply by Nori: It sounded like such a wonderful beach, Kim, that I searched for a photo. I found only one on th whole Web, from eftel.com.au. It look so much like beaches in Nova Scotia, Canada (which are also freezing cold). I added it above for you to remember.

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Feb 02, 2013
Back to Drip Beach again!
by: Kim

Since my daughter was born 16 months ago we haven't been back to Drip Beach til today and it was as gorgeous, warm amd clear as that day I described earlier ... And I forgot my camera again!

Collected some beach treasures though and, as my daughter is very fond of stones, she had a great time with all of the myriad coloured smooth stones on the beach today.

Apr 23, 2010
my play ground
by: Anonymous

loved the photo.. I grew up on the farm that borders the beach. in those days it had a natural fresh water spring from which cool fabulous drinking water "dripped" hence the name.

Nov 26, 2008
I've Been On This Beach!
by: Tom Seymour

Too cool! I've been on this beach, several years ago on vacation in Tasmania. I've got to see if I can find a photo for you. If not, thanks for the memory! TS

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