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Janet Jackson and Paul Simon and Brian Setzer

by Simon Fitzsimmons

I've been coming to Anguilla for 27 years and have seen, met and eaten with Janet Jackson (Cap Juluca), Paul Simon (Johnno's) and Brian Setzer (Cap Juluca) just to name a few.

The island is conducive to privacy, something that these celebrities value highly when trying to get away from the mayhem of their paparazzi-dominated lives.

Once they are on the island, the celebs seem to become regular people and let their guards down. The island certainly levels the social playing field and seems to bring these folks down to earth, making them comfortable being normal people.

This is one of the greatest attributes of the island. We are all just there to enjoy the beautiful weather, beaches and atmosphere, without worrying about everyday life.

Nori's reply: Very true. I've heard many stories about how celebrities come with their entourage and bodyguards on their first trip. After that, they arrive with "significant other" and/or kids only.

I have always found the "repeat visit" phenomenon of the stars to be interesting, too. They could go anywhere in the world. But many keep coming back year after year after year.

Why? My theory is the following...

Anguilla is "cool" (and I don't mean the temperature).

Anguilla is comfortable (like a favorite pair of slippers).

The luxury villas, hotels, restaurants? Sure, but that part is not what's unique about Anguilla.

"Cool" and "comfortable" is what's special here.

And Anguilla is what it is... just naturally.

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Nov 02, 2013
Corrected Adam Ant
by: Nori Evoy

Thanks very much, Monica, for reporting that error. It's not clear why the author thought they were one and the same person, but we have made the correction. Much appreciated.

Nov 01, 2013
Adam Ant is not "AKA" Brian Setzer
by: Monica

Hi there, just wanted you to know the author has it wrong. Adam Ant (Stuart Goddard) and Brian Setzer (leader of the Stray Cats) are two different people.

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