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Junks Hole & Little Bay Favorite Anguilla Beaches

by Michael Brochu
(Melbourne Beach, FLA)

Little Bay, Anguilla

Little Bay, Anguilla

I lived on Anguilla for 3 months in 1998. I miss it terribly and haven't been back since. It is my favorite place on earth. I hope to move there permanently some day. I live at the beach now in Florida. It is a temporary pacifier for now.

You are very lucky to have experienced it at such a young age, Nori. I am impressed that its beauty was not lost on you. Like you, I was lucky. My grandparents retired to St. Maarten and I got to spend time there when young.

I didn't, however, discover Anguilla until later in life. I would love to share more with you anytime. Sorry no pics on my computer. I will have to dig them up and scan them in.

Great job on your web site. You write very well. Anyway,let me know what you think of my two favorites. I would love to know if you made it to them.

Michael Brochu

Reply by Nori: Thank you Michael, I'm glad you like anguilla-beaches.com. And your choices for best Anguilla beaches are great. We love both Junk's Hole/Savannah Bay and Little Bay. (I added a photo of Little Bay for you, until you can find your photos. :-) ) Best regards, Nori

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May 04, 2016
Best Kept Secret
by: John Samuel

I just love it at Junks Hole Bay. There is a rocky dirt road to get there, so i guess it is the" road less traveled" which makes this beach so private yet it is so huge.

The water is amazing, can be very warm and a little cold at some parts. It is just an amazing place.

I ask many people have you been to Junks Hole and there response is "What?" it is just a mystery why there is not lots of people here.

That makes it so exclusive - your own private part of the island of Anguilla I just love it !!!!!

Nov 23, 2008
by: Anonymous

Beautiful place, so peaceful and serene

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