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Brad Pitt Eats At Palm Grove (Nat's)

by Elizabeth Grant
(Columbus, Ohio)

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt in Anguilla<br>Photo From: People.com

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt in Anguilla
Photo From: People.com

We saw Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston during our Christmas/New Year's 2004/2005 Anguilla vacation. We were enjoying a meal of lobster and crayfish at Palm Grove when we noticed Jennifer Aniston, David Arquette and Cortney Cox sitting at the next table.

Where was Brad Pitt?

Eating down by the beach, alone. It seemed that things were a little shakey between Jen and Brad.

A couple of weeks our suspicions were confirmed. Brad and Jen announced the split!

My husband is still mad at me and you might be too, Nori. Why? Because I had forgotten my camera back at the villa. But you can ask Nat next time you eat at Palm Grove. It's all true!

Warm regards and keep up the great work with your site,

Nori's Reply: Ah! What a tremendous celebrity spotting!

We've heard a couple of stories that echo what you've said, Liz, about the two of them looking a little bit on the rocks. Apparently Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston ate at Trattoria Tramonto for lunch as well (Liam Neeson lunches at Trattoria Tramonto whenever he's in Anguilla too!), and on-lookers there said the same thing. They were on the outs, despite looking so happy in all of the paparazzi photos that "leaked."

Word has it all four of them were staying at Exclusivity Villa, and then later moved to Altamer on Shoal Bay West.

You can see photos and read more about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston in Anguilla here.

Thanks again for the great story!

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Jan 28, 2011
At Palm Grove
by: Timarah

I am a local and I was also there that day at Palm Grove and it is true. I really loved 'friends' and actually cried when it ended. I had the opportunity to speak with Jennifer and she is a really kool person. I was suprised to find out that she and Brad split up right after that trip afterall I did see them having a deep convo where they shared a cigarette. I also saw David Arquette at the Anguilla Drug Store....It was nice to see that they travelled freely throughout the island and did not bother to walk body guards.

Dec 13, 2007
I'll confirm
by: Kristen

I just returned from Anquilla...and spoke with Nat who told my husband and I all about having Brad, Jennifer, David and Courtney there.
He seems like a guy who has absolutely no reason to lie...
We had a great time and stayed for hours hanging out with Nat's son.

Take care,
Kristen from NH

Aug 10, 2007
You Saw Brad Pitt???
by: Nori

Oh my, we saw Brad PItt here in Montreal when they were shooting a movie, but we were a block away. My sister and I are both in love with him. You are so lucky to have seen him. Jackie Ruan told me all about the time they came to Ripples to eat. They announced their breakup the next day. I dwish you had brought your camera, too, and I understand the dismay. I met Conan O'Brian in New York this summer, had a nice conversation with him, and then kicked myself for the rest of the week because I had left my camera and phone at the hotel. Still, nice memory. Thanks very much, Liz. Nori.

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