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How We Review Anguilla Restaurants


Everyone in Anguilla takes their food seriously.

And I do mean...


And I do mean everyone... chefs and Anguilla restaurant owners, of course. And their clients, especially.

Every customer/diner has his/her favorite spot. Chefs and owners are passionate and proud of their craft.

So naturally, I receive e-mail that sometimes disagrees with how we rank the Anguilla restaurants. And that's fair enough. Please feel free to add your own point of view to the site (more on that below).

Our Point of View

We are not professional restaurant reviewers. We're simply a family sharing a point of view.

We're adventurous and will try just about anything (my Dad eats it even if it's moving!). Over the years (and living here for several of them now), we have tried every restaurant in Anguilla. So we have developed a pretty solid frame of reference.

We are not particularly fanatical about eating at formal, "sit-up-straight" haute cuisine. A relaxed, "shorts 'n' sandals" beachfront shack with fresh crayfish right off the fisherman's boat has a starting edge over the "New York 5 Star"-type restaurants.

Anguilla restaurants

However, it is nice to put away the shorts and pull out the skirts (Mom and daughters) and jacket (Dad -- well, at least a collared shirt, anyway!), and head out to the "haute cuisine" restaurants every now and then.

These may be your first choice.

We Call It As We Like It

Reviews of all Anguilla restaurants, from the highest of the high-end to the take-home duck from Mingz, boil down to "we like what we like"...

  • Did we feel comfortable or was it too "chi-chi formal"?
  • Was the food excellent or was it just another so-so expensive meal that could have been experienced anywhere?
  • Did the setting just somehow "click?"

You won't be reading any clever reviews about the freshness of the ingredients in the terragon sauce by whichever chef was flown in from Paris for the season! But we will tell you if the shrimp tempura with 8 types of spices was soggy and tasteless or not.

The high-end Anguilla restaurants are very expensive. Those that we've really enjoyed (repeatedly) are worth every penny. But we have had just as many wonderful dining experiences at charming little on-the-sand shacks.

It's our duty to you to "call them as we taste them."

Write Your Own Review (or Add a Comment)

If you would like to add your own review of your personal favorite, visit...

Also, every review has a Facebook comments box at the bottom of the page. If you are not in the mood to write a full review, add a comment or two to any restaurant review.

Bon Appetit!