Where there's a will there's a way... And there is more than one way to travel to Anguilla!
Flying non-stop to St. Maarten beats going through Puerto Rico. It's usually cheaper and is always faster to get to your final destination, Anguilla.
There are non-stop flights from many cities (especially the NorthEast US and Canadian cities) to St. Maarten, including inexpensive charters. Check availability where you live.
Once you are in St. Maarten, what's the best way for the final hop to Anguilla?
Up to now, we've taken ferries. But we've been disappinted a couple of times with long waits and even one no-show (luckily we caught another ferry with seating, but we lost 3 hours).
So here's our new favorite way to get to Anguilla...
St. Maarten to Anguilla flights.
My Mom and Dad have taken St. Maarten to Anguilla flights on a couple of occasions with Captain Carl Thomas, aboard his Anguilla flights, Anguilla Air Services.
It's their favorite way to get to and from St. Maarten's Princess Juliana Airport.
Their oo-ing and aw-ing over the ease of travel, timeliness and views from 1,000 feet up, drove my curiosity to new heights.
It was time to check out St. Maarten to Anguilla flights for myself!
After a long day of traveling through the States, the Caribbean connection is the last hurdle, the final push. Tired, hungry, over-heated and ready to collapse, the desire to just get there already is strong.
Anguilla Air Services smoothes and soothes that last step!
Boarding Anguilla Air Services
The perks?
#1) Skipping the long St. Maarten customs line. You don't leave the airport, or clear St. Maarten customs. You are simply re-directed and brought to your Anguilla connection.
#2) Anguilla Air Services' St. Maarten to Anguilla flights are frequent and well-timed with the big North American jets' arrivals. They leave St. Maarten around...
(NOTE: These times change depending on the time of year. Click here for most up to date timetables.)
You can also request to charter specific times for your flight to Anguilla.
#3) The flight itself is only 10 minutes.
#4) Captain Carl Thomas' planes don't go higher than 1,000 feet so the panoramas when you're landing in Anguilla are simply breathtaking.
Watch the video below to get a taste of St. Maarten flights to Anguilla...
Quick, isn't it? In fact, the actual flight is only 6 minutes longer than the video. You're through customs at the airport in a jiffy and then straight to your hotel or villa!
#5) Skipping the long Anguilla customs line. Because you are flying in a 10 seater plane, when you reach Anguilla customs you're in line with 9 other people (maximum). The short customs line movies quickly. You don't get back-logged with a ferry full of people.
Anguilla Air Services is one of the most trusted and reliable Caribbean airlines. Captain Carl Thomas is a personal family friend who takes the safety and security of his passengers seriously, and respects his passengers' time, something which most airlines today fail to do.
This St. Maarten to Anguilla flight is more than worth the price!
Update 2016: Current price for Anguilla Air Services flight from SXM to AXA = $87.55 + $23 transit tax.
Tranquility Beach
(Luxury Hotel & Residences)
Long Bay Villas:
The Ultra-Luxury Villas
Sky, Sea & Sand
Santosha Villa Estate:
Anguilla's Most Sophisticated
Ultra-Luxury Villa
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